Confirmed invited speakers for the 2012 Overset Symposium include:
Tuesday, October 16, 2012 8:00am
Dr. Meakin received his PhD in Civil Engineering from Stanford University in 1986. He is currently the Program Manager for CREATE-AV in the DoD HPCMPO and is also a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at University of Alabama at Birmingham. He served as the Technical Director for the HPC Institute for Advanced Rotorcraft Modeling and Simulation from 2005-2008, and has 20 years additional experience as research scientist and developer of high-fidelity simulation software at NASA and US Army Research Centers. He is an Associate Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics and has authored over 40 publications in professional journals, refereed conference publications, and books. His technical areas of expertise include multi-physics software engineering, aerodynamics, fluid dynamics, computational geometry, multiple-body proximate flight with contact detection and collision dynamics, numerical methods, parallel and scalable computing, and moving boundary problems.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012 8:00am
Major Motti Adar has been at the Israeli Air Force since 1997. During his service at the IAF he served in the Armament Compatibility Group as the lead engineer, specifically in the fields of store separation analysis, captive carriage loads, and environmental conditions. At the Armament Compatibility Group Major Adar was also in charge of the establishment of CFD capabilities, focusing on utilizing CFD for store separation simulations and captive load predictions. Since 2010 Major Adar is positioned in the Aerodynamics group at the IAF engineering department and is in charge of the development of CFD capabilities for the various requirements at the Israeli Air Force. He has a B.Sc. and an M.Sc. in aerospace engineering from the Technion IIT and is currently serving as the head of the Aerodynamics Group.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012 7:30pm